Curriculum plans

Bible History

Wednesday 30 September 2015

Holy Helpers feast day

It was Feast of St Michael,St Gabriel and St Raphel and it was a very special day in our family as Munnu's name day in this feast day too. Traditionally it is called Michaelmas.We had a read aloud about these archangels and munnu practised the heavenly helpers song .

Angel craft made by children.
Mobile craft was made by using big skewers placed in a cross shape and woven around with wool. Then different angels are hung in different arms.

Munnu got two bunnies on his special day and he is very keen to look after them, feeding beet root leaves , feeds and water.

                                        Coloring sheet by Theresu


Children learnt Latin phrase for the name of Michael ; Quis ut Deus and made some cupcakes in the afternoon. It is a tradition of making devil cakes or cupcakes in assisting St Michael in defeating the devil. We plucked some berry branches for decorations and it says these berries aren't not good after
September (Michaelmas) as it is believed that St Michael spat on bad angels ( feast & seasons by Joannes Bogle).

St MIchael, St Raphel & St Gabriel pray for us

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