Curriculum plans

Bible History

Monday 20 April 2015

Our Lenten Journey 2015

I would like to post some of the simple  tradition and practices we trying to follow  in our family, not to make others feeel bad that they are not doing anything.

We are using a simple calendar reminding forty days of lent and children each day of the lent .

Below is the sacrifice jar for each good deeds or sacrifices they do to encourage by fillinf the jar with some candies.

This is the crown of thorns made from dried holly branches since I couldn't buy any grapewine wreath this year.

Children painted  Golgotha using chalk pastels. Lots of  lenten arts are found in Loraines's web,

Praying the way of the stations is another tradition of christianity. We are thinking to make stations grotto using popsicle sticks and stones/
On Maundy Thursday


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