Curriculum plans

Bible History

Thursday 2 October 2014

St Therese and St Michael's feast days

Children made some paper roses on the feast day of little flower and it is a very special day in our family as it is the name saint day of Theresu. Theresu had a card and sweet box from her godparents. Annu and Munnu made a nice blueberry sponge cake. Amazing resources here for children to do it on this feast day

It was St Michael's feast day yesterday along with other archangels, the end of harvesting came in September and coincided with tradition of Michaelmas, the feast of the Archangel Michael. People stopped eating blackberries from this day, so the days just before Michaelmas are your last chance for picking and bottling blackberries. There is a tradition of eating roasted goose stuffed with apple, we had chicken roast instead. A number of places in England still have 'goose fairs' at the end of September. It was Munnu's feast day as well, he received a packet of chocolates from another homeschooling friends.

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