Curriculum plans

Bible History

Thursday 30 October 2014

All Saints Day/ All Hallows Eve

We celebrated our All Saints day last night,I never expected many of our friend's children 

were so excited and looking forward for the all saints party. It was an amazing time. Children 

dressed up themselves their costumes as I was busy after  our children's retreat in our 

diocese. I was so shocked to see all children reached home after 7pm dressed up so nicely 

and prepared with their stories.

Munnu dressed up as St Nicholas, Annu as St Philomena and Theresu as St Therese. 

Maria as Mother Mary, James as St Joseph, many little flowers were there.


Wednesday 29 October 2014

Half term Holidays

This Autumn half term , Annu, Munnu and Theresu had a sleep over with their friends.Children had a good time, did knitting,played together, went out to our water park to feed birds, cycled to church and lot of many other things.

Children are making pizza for their lunch. Theresu is having fun rolling the dough.

Boys are making their own pizza.

Science festival

Manchester Science Festival is happening across MOSI, Manchester Museum and Bolton. Fablab Manchester is explaining 3D printing and designing miniature models. You can make your own 3D glasses.

Children are making 3D glasses  in MOSI, 1830 Warehouse.

We went to do a solar system craft in library and was good.

Thursday 23 October 2014

Coat Of Arms on Feast of JP2

Since it is the Feast of St John Paul 2, it was found to be a good idea to do his shield with children which was used for his pontificate.

The first thing I made a grid size of 9 and 7 1/2 inches for them, so that they could copy the coat of arms frame by frame. I copied the ideas from Catholic icing, Keepers of the keys and catholic missionary family with fantastic resources . When they finished  they rubbed some lines and colored it, it could have been better if they could make a border with black marker.

Kidoos have been gone through what it means to be coat of arms and the symbols inside which JP2 used. It was a great learning to me too.

Cross - It represents the mystery of redemption. The cross is shifted to the left.
Letter M - represents the presence of Mary at the foot of the cross and its participation in redemption. It is the first time a papal shield contains a letter.
Keys - They represent the keys of St. Peter.
     Golden Key - represents the spiritual power of the Church.
     Silver Key - represents its temporal power .
Lace - represents the link between the two power is.
Tiara - Composed by 3 crowns representing the authority of the pope as " Pastor "," Master "and" High Priest "of the Church .

Towards the end of the day, we baked a brownie and tried to decorate with a cross and a M, obviously it didn't come up very well, but the brownie was yummy.

St John Paul 2 Ora Pro Nobis

Thursday 2 October 2014

St Therese and St Michael's feast days

Children made some paper roses on the feast day of little flower and it is a very special day in our family as it is the name saint day of Theresu. Theresu had a card and sweet box from her godparents. Annu and Munnu made a nice blueberry sponge cake. Amazing resources here for children to do it on this feast day

It was St Michael's feast day yesterday along with other archangels, the end of harvesting came in September and coincided with tradition of Michaelmas, the feast of the Archangel Michael. People stopped eating blackberries from this day, so the days just before Michaelmas are your last chance for picking and bottling blackberries. There is a tradition of eating roasted goose stuffed with apple, we had chicken roast instead. A number of places in England still have 'goose fairs' at the end of September. It was Munnu's feast day as well, he received a packet of chocolates from another homeschooling friends.