Curriculum plans

Bible History

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Spring time- Daffodils

We thought of learning about Spring. We have a few daffodils growing in our garden. Thought to learn about it. I was really keen to know more about it. Munnu plucked a daffodil and planted in the pot and was observing it for the last few days. It came into my mind why dont learn about daffodils and especially learn about the beautiful poem of Wordsworth. So I could incorporate a few ideas of daffodils together with english, poetry, drawing, science by dissecting daffodils with them and learning the parts. So I was excited to see and learn about daffodils. It's a good time to know more about Wordsworth as part of Country study of United Kingdom.
Learned some vocabulary connected to daffodils. Lot of wonderful resources obtained from starof eight blog and from Lot of coloring sheets are found in here about the different varieties of daffodils.

Dissecting the parts of daffodils 

                      Learning the poem 'Daffodils' by Wordsworth.

                         Copy writing the lines of 'Daffodils' poem.

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