Curriculum plans

Bible History

Sunday 2 February 2014

Feast of Presentation of our Lord

Yesterday (Feb 2nd ) was the feast of presentation of the Lord, Candlemas, celebrates the day infant Jesus was offered in the temple according to the ancient jewish custom. To commemorate what Simeon said, there are special candle services in church. We asked our  priest to bless candles so that children can light candles for the meal and could repeat Simeon's below Canticle.

 'A light to lighten the gentiles and the glory of your people, Israel' Luke 2; 22-40.

There is an old saying that after Candlemas the days started getting longer, spring is on the way.Who in the family to see the first tight green buds on the trees?. Then in the evening we went out to our water park to feed the birds and children had a good bike ride, spent some time in park.

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