Curriculum plans

Bible History

Friday 31 January 2014

St Brigid Of Ireland

Today is the feast of St Brigid Of Ireland, Abbess of Kildare (451- 525). Even as a child she had a great love to serve poor, she kept secret clothes and food for the poor. She even gave gifts from father's property when there was nothing else available. Beautiful brigid gave her life to God from the very younger age, wanted to live a life of virginity, full dedication to God and love to poor.

St Brigid you were a woman of peace.You brought harmony were there was conflict. You brought light to darkness.You brought hope to downcast.May the mantle of your peace cover those who are troubled and anxious, may peace be firmly rooted in our hearts and in our world. Interesting to hear about St Brigid from the podcast which shown in shower of roses.

Feast of St Don Bosco

'Enjoy yourself as much you can, only keep away from sin' St Don Bosco

It was the feast of St John Boosco on January 31st. We read about him, which really inspired by his advice to the young children 'Run, Jump, Make noise but no sin'. He first catch the attention of children by entertaining them with juggling and magic tricks. Then he bring them for mass .

We tried to make some cookies (as we found in catholic cuisine , as a tradition to make some cookie balls reminding John bosco's way of juggling things or juggling souls). It was really yummy. Evening children had a chance to watch movie about St John Bosco Misssion to love 2006.
st john bosco color print head and upper body sancte joannes bosco ora ...

                              St John Bosco,  Ora pro nobis

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Happy Birthday & Wedding Anniversary

Therese likes minnie mouse and  we choose minnie mouse theme for  her party.We thought to make pinata for therese's birthday. Started with sticking ripped papers on top of inflated balloon. Took a few days to form its shape. Borrowed ideas to make pinata from mymamatoldme


I was obsessed to make minnie mouse pinata, however I only ended up with red and black colored pinata.

                            Kids helping with baking cupcakes

                               Party bags ready

                             Cupcake toppers

                             Making wedding anniversary banners

We had Holy Mass at 12 noon. It was an amazing start for the Birthday and Wedding Anniversary.

                        It was fun to see children destroying all  the hard work made.

                   Did pinning the tail of the donkey game with children though Therese seems to be scared to do things today.

                 Joby and Ani cutting their 10th Wedding Anniversary cake

           Therese is not willing to cut her birthday cake.

Therese is opening all her birthday gifts. Thank God, It was an amazing day and everything went well.

Sunday 5 January 2014

2013 Highlights

  Therese's birthday in Jan

                    Annu's birthday in March

Learning about conclave in March

Annu and Vidya's Holy Communion at home in May

Holidays in India, Our wedding anniversary, grandma's birthday in May

Learning about the Victorian period in June

                                     Munnu's birthday in July

                                          Marie Curie Charity walk in August

Summer in August

Summer with Annu and Munnu's friends

Summer of  Therese; gardening, playing with bubbles

New School year commence in September and in Sea life centre

Learning about Romans in October

Celebrating All Saints day in our homeschooling group, shifted to new house, Jobychayan's birthday in November

Nativity play in St Joseph Home, in  German market, Jesse tree and advent candle in December. Learned the song 'twelve days of christmas'. 

                    Thank God for everything for the year 2013 in our life.

New Year 2014

Snaps taken in  New Year .Children made new year bounties and had a midnight feast.They had a lot of fun together.Celebrated the birthday of my nephew in Bristol.

Munu and Annu dressed up in their new dress from  Reeby.

                                                Our Family photo

                                Children with their friends Joel and all.