Curriculum plans

Bible History

Sunday 5 January 2014

2013 Highlights

  Therese's birthday in Jan

                    Annu's birthday in March

Learning about conclave in March

Annu and Vidya's Holy Communion at home in May

Holidays in India, Our wedding anniversary, grandma's birthday in May

Learning about the Victorian period in June

                                     Munnu's birthday in July

                                          Marie Curie Charity walk in August

Summer in August

Summer with Annu and Munnu's friends

Summer of  Therese; gardening, playing with bubbles

New School year commence in September and in Sea life centre

Learning about Romans in October

Celebrating All Saints day in our homeschooling group, shifted to new house, Jobychayan's birthday in November

Nativity play in St Joseph Home, in  German market, Jesse tree and advent candle in December. Learned the song 'twelve days of christmas'. 

                    Thank God for everything for the year 2013 in our life.

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