Curriculum plans

Bible History

Monday 4 November 2013

Celebrating All Saints Day 2013

Our Home schooling group celebrated the feast of All saints. The excitement was building though we have been quite busy decorating and moving to new house . I am blogging after a long time because of my phone only got fixed a week before.

                                    Munnu making and decorating Roman shield.

                                    Theresu with princess tiara.

 Theresu tried to wear a habit and carried a bunch of roses from our garden, showing up as her patron saint St Therese of Child Jesus.

 Ann Marie dressed up as St Elizabeth of Hungary, had a crown showing the sign of princess and carried a basket with fruits.Princess Elizabeth led a simple life and helped poor by giving food, built hospitals to look after the sick.
  Michael dressed up as St Martin Of Tours, we made the shield and the helmet as a part of learning the history of Romans.

All the little children below 7 had their own time of making armour of God using various recycling things like milk carton, tissue rolls etc.

I think children all had a fun time 'guessing which saints others dressed up' and Jobychayan helped with 7-11 year old children teaching songs and reflective prayer.

1 comment:

  1. i like your comment !
    Its really so testy in Amira basmati rice brand , dat i ll make it again ……..thnx a lot
