Curriculum plans

Bible History

Saturday 30 November 2013

hom schooling in a bettter way; seton

There are myriad distractions that can disrupt the homeschooling process: the decibel level of little children who are competing for your attention, the inexplicable disappearance of pens and pencils, or the dog demanding to be re-admitted to your home.
But as we parents sit down to help our children with their homeschooling, I think we would have to admit that some of the biggest distractions are often the ones inside ourselves—the ones that keep popping into our minds as we attempt to teach.
I became aware of this the other day during a conversation I had with my sixteen-year-old son, Demetrius.
That afternoon, Demetrius informed me that he had asked me a question earlier that morning, and I took about ten seconds to answer it. The problem was during that ten seconds, I was thinking about a lot of other things. When he asked me a question, my mind had to “clear the queue” before I could address his interrogative. When he told me that he had actually counted to see how long it would take for me to answer him, I felt really bad. Because no parent wants his or her children to feel like they are competing for their parent’s attention.
It is pretty obvious that mental presence for your children equals mental presents for your children. Children are frustrated when we parents are distracted, but are appreciative when they know they are getting our full attention. So maybe the best way to homeschool better immediately is to clear the queue.
Specifically, here is an idea that we can all try.
It seems that each of us has a list of at least five things we have been putting off for too long. Whether it’s cleaning your walk-in closet, getting a cavity filled, filing your taxes, going to Confession, helping your son fill out his college application forms online, sending an overdue thank-you note, or fixing an appliance—we all have a mental “to-do” list. And it tends to drag us down. But there is a way to solve this mental bogeyman.
Write down these items on a piece of paper.
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And then go do them.
Not tonight after you watch a Columbo re-run.
Right now.
We create a lot of stress in our lives by thinking about all the things that we have to do. These things become ogres in our minds. We may sit down with our children to help them with their history or mathematics, but we’re really thinking about other things. That’s not fair to our kids. It’s not fair to us, either. Ironically, stress and worry are only increased by further pondering—but they can be eliminated by doing.
Clean your closet, schedule an appointment with your dentist, drop by your parish church.
Clear the queue, and become present to your kids again.

Friday 29 November 2013

Feast of St Catherine Laboure - Nov 28

        It was St Catherine's feast day yesterday. We thought of making a  Miraculous Medal.Children together skimmed through  the story of St Catherine Laboure. Following that , miraculous medal was traced on aluminium foil sheet and colored. Ideas were found from catholic icing. Annu and Munnu learned a little bit about France as Catherine was from France. It was fun for them to learn some french words too. Theresu did enjoy the cutting as usual.


Lot of Resources about  St Catherine were found in JOYFILLED FAMILY, chapel notre dam and the coloring page.

Saint Catherine, you kept secret the wonderful 
grace of having seen the Blessed Virgin. Pray for me 
when I put myself before others. 
O Mary, Mother of God and Our Mother, you who 
dislikes pride, bathe me with your humility.

                            St Catherine Laboure Pray for us.

Happy Birthday Jobychayan

                              We had a nice time on Jobychayan's birthday.We went out and had meal together.

Monday 11 November 2013

St Martin of Tours- Nov 11

We learned St Martin's song on his feast day and read his story. It is interesting to know  about story of him sharing his cloak with a beggar. He found Jesus was wearing that piece of cloak which  he shared with beggar.

 Munnu  dressed up as St Martin of Tours on All Saints Day which made him to love and hear more about this saint. Lot of other interesting activities like making lanterns  in here.

Chorlton Water Park

We went to our closest Chorlton water park. Children found interesting to feed swans and geese, though they were scared of them.

Making children's bunk bed

 It was quite busy  moving in to a new house. Children were very keen in  to sleep in new triple bunk bed which arrived only on the afternoon. Everyone as family except theresu joined to assemble it and took 3 hours to finish.

Monday 4 November 2013

Celebrating All Saints Day 2013

Our Home schooling group celebrated the feast of All saints. The excitement was building though we have been quite busy decorating and moving to new house . I am blogging after a long time because of my phone only got fixed a week before.

                                    Munnu making and decorating Roman shield.

                                    Theresu with princess tiara.

 Theresu tried to wear a habit and carried a bunch of roses from our garden, showing up as her patron saint St Therese of Child Jesus.

 Ann Marie dressed up as St Elizabeth of Hungary, had a crown showing the sign of princess and carried a basket with fruits.Princess Elizabeth led a simple life and helped poor by giving food, built hospitals to look after the sick.
  Michael dressed up as St Martin Of Tours, we made the shield and the helmet as a part of learning the history of Romans.

All the little children below 7 had their own time of making armour of God using various recycling things like milk carton, tissue rolls etc.

I think children all had a fun time 'guessing which saints others dressed up' and Jobychayan helped with 7-11 year old children teaching songs and reflective prayer.