Curriculum plans

Bible History

Saturday 29 December 2012

Holy father's Catechism for Dec 5th

 The most effective place for communicating who God is and how He acts in our life is within the FAMILY.  Pope Benedict reminds us again that the Church needs parents to “rediscover their mission, assuming responsibility in educating, in opening the consciences of their little ones to love of God as a fundamental service to their life and in being the first catechists and teachers of the faith for their children.”  Children need to understand that their faith is not a burden but rather a source of profound joy.  Children need to see in the lives of their parents the Easter Joy that “does not stay silent or conceal the realities of pain, of suffering, of effort, of difficulty of incomprehension and of death itself, but that can offer criteria for interpreting all things in the perspective of Christian hope.”  Parents need to communicate in their daily lives, and especially their family life, the singular joy that faith in Jesus Christ brings into their lives.

Thursday 27 December 2012

Merry Christmas

 Christmas eve;  Unwrapping their gifts after the H. mass.

        Therese is building tower.Enjoys stacking and helping with her motor development.

Towards christmas

                                     Jesse tree has completed with our Lord's birthday.

Friday 21 December 2012


                                Our homeschooling group had a small Christmas lunch at parish hall and then had a nice carol concert at St Joseph home.

Sunday 9 December 2012

Painting on salt

The salt creation was beautiful.First create picture with glue on a black card stock  then apply salt all over the picture. Carefully remove all unwanted salt by tilting vertically down. Then dip paintbrush into different colors, touching the salt and colors spread.Then let it dry for some hours.This activity require fine motor activity skills and was fun. AnnMarie made a play ground and Michael did make a fruit basket, whereas Therese done some scribbling in her paper. Annmarie, Michael and Therese enjoyed it.

Wednesday 5 December 2012

First day of ADVENT

AnnMarie, Michael n Therese making Jesse tree ornaments and advent wreath.

Monday 19 November 2012


Ann and Michael in art gallery doing some doll making on 26/11

Children had a fantastic time in art gallery on last Monday (19.11) with illustrator  Steve Nuttall. He led a beautiful workshop on drawing pictures

.e led  He led a beautiful workshop on creating drawings.

Thursday 15 November 2012

Free catholic movies

 Passing on from another list w/ permission :

Fatima - full movie in English com/watch? v=hmUxmgd7SlI& feature=relmfu

Película: San Patricio (St. Patrik. The Irish Legend) com/watch? v=Lc18XloNCgQ& feature=related

Santa Teresita 2008

https://mail. mail/ca/u/ 0/?shva=1# drafts/13a7fe62b 01f43de

Saint John Bosco Movie in parts - Part 1 com/watch? v=mYy2GnFFz7s

The Song of Bernadette full movie in English com/watch? v=NDdC8XWGYLw

The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima - Part 01 of 10 /Complete movie in English/ com/watch? v=0_7Pup_ C__o

St. Padre Pio Miracle Man - Complete Movie Eng subtitles com/watch? v=Eo7KhmQjFXQ

The Reluctant Saint (San José de Cupertino) full movie in English com/watch? v=N1mT7IvgfiY

Joan of the Arc 1948 full movie in English com/watch? v=rZ6CQ-wrDtc

Joan of Arc presents Carl Theodor Dreyer's "The Passion of Joan of Arc"

1927 silent movie shot in France com/watch? v=CxJSGMK9yRE& feature=related

Karol Pope Movie com/watch? v=UfPLoETy9GI& feature=related

Karol 2.dio film o papi Ivanu Pavlu drugom HRV titlovi.m4v com/watch? v=qnDivvzF7Pg& feature=relmfu

Saint Alphonsa Movie.flv - Canonized 2008 com/watch? v=J656qKqUPlQ

Wednesday 14 November 2012


Pope Benedict released a document entitled Verbum Domini. Verbum Domini addresses the Word of God in the Life and Mission of the Church.If you want to read the document yourself, you can find it here: . I t is found to be good to read this during the year of faith.

The document is broken up into three main sections (plus an introduction and conclusion):
  1. Verbum Dei--a more academic analysis of the Word of God found in Scripture and Tradition
  2. Verbum in Ecclesia--a look at how the Word of God influences the life of the Church
  3. Verbum Mundo--an examination of how the Word of God can be used to preach the Gospel to the world

Tuesday 13 November 2012


Tuesday 6 November 2012

In view of the crisis in the world today, the Year of Faith — and this powerful apostolic letter — “is a summons to an authentic and renewed conversion to the Lord, the one Savior of the world”. Its title, Porta fidei, “the door of faith”, also recalls the famous words of Pope John Paul II’s initial homily: “Open wide the doors to Christ”.

This Year is  to arouse in every believer the aspiration to profess the faith in fullness and with renewed conviction, with confidence and hope. It will also be a good opportunity to intensify the celebration of the faith in the liturgy, especially in the Eucharist, which is “the summit towards which the activity of the Church is directed; ... and also the source from which all its power flows”.14 At the same time, we make it our prayer that believers’ witness of life may grow in credibility. To rediscover the content of the faith that is professed, celebrated, lived and prayed,15 and to reflect on the act of faith, is a task that every believer must make his own, especially in the course of this Year.
Not without reason, Christians in the early centuries were required to learn the creed from memory. It served them as a daily prayer not to forget the commitment they had undertaken in baptism. With words rich in meaning, Saint Augustine speaks of this in a homily on the redditio symboli, the handing over of the creed: “the symbol of the holy mystery that you have all received together and that today you have recited one by one, are the words on which the faith of Mother Church is firmly built above the stable foundation that is Christ the Lord. You have received it and recited it, but in your minds and hearts you must keep it ever present, you must repeat it in your beds, recall it in the public squares and not forget it during meals: even when your body is asleep, you must watch over it with your hearts”

Saturday 27 October 2012

We had a nice time in our home schooling group this week as some kids dressed up as saints and others talked about the saints. Now we break up for the half term holidays. 

Our Homeschooling philosophy

Parents who choose to home school their children due to variety of  reasons. In some cases parents have specific religious goals which they wish to achieve. Others are unhappy with teaching methods in the public schooling system, or object to teaching specific subjects. Yet others simply feel they can provide a better education for their themselves.

Public education however really came into existence only during 20th century and today it is the norm. However from 1960 many started showing dissatisfaction and withdrawn from schools. whatever may be the philosophy, one consistent line of thought is that children are the focal point of the learning experience and their proper development is the goal. The fundamental idea is child is a naturally active learner. The above idea holds that, if you provide the right environment and resources, there is no need to enforce learning as children are very good in exploring the world around them.  Section 7 of the 1996 Education act covering England states that parents have the duty to cause  their children to receive efficient education suitable to their age, ability, aptitude and their special needs.Also provide right to parents to educate children according to religious and philosophical convictions.

We decide to home educate because of three main reasons. a. CHARACTER FORMATION  b. As church teaches PARENTS AS ROLE MODELS AND CO-EDUCTORS c. FAITH FORMATION. We belong to a catholic youth movement called Jesus Youth. Therefore we are involved with different categories of children especially preteens, teens and youth. Especially, my husband Joby used to work among young adults. It is found that lot of children are affected by broken families. Their innocent nature is highly influenced by the pressure from  peer groups and lack of  affection from their parents,  due to their working patterns and lack of understanding of children's psychology. Moreover, parents are trying hard to bring up their children in the light of God. However , the very sense of right and wrong in a christian perspective was never so much at variance with the viewpoint of the world.This put parents at constant pressure and get confused, about how to help children spot the deceiving lies of the world.

When we de registered the children, our eldest daughter Ann Marie was in year 1 and second child Michael was in reception. The reading books they received from the school were too much of fantasies which made our son to have scary night dreams. Some books shared values against a good family. The other kids in the school are from different family background and often the bad behaviors of other children are easily influenced by kids. At times we couldn't justify the attitudes of the teachers and teaching assistant and find its not appropriate for our children to be trained under them. All these issues made us asking a question whether, we could educate them at home. We daunted with this question for six months with lots of prayers, research and reading. Finally while discussing with our spiritual father and meeting some other home schooling families made us to start our home school.

The Catholic home schooling families(even large families) we met were leading such a challenging life styles, with children who are very innocent and maintaining the virtues what every human should possess. Their parents are well educated, practicing catholic. You may wonder  how could you have families like this in this current era of growing consumerism and relativism.

Remembering CCC and church's call that parents are the real role models and primary educators of the children.Parents have primary responsibility for the nurture of their children.That nurture includes the cultivation of their spirit, the formation of their character, the education of their mind, the growth of their body and the development of their gifts.

Through Home Schooling we are trying to achieve enough time with children, by all means through the grace of God.

 Some of the more well known homeschoolers, and what part they played in history:
  • Abraham Lincoln- President of the U.S.
  • Franklin Delano Roosevelt- President of the U.S.
  • Douglas MacArthur-WWII General
  • Patton- WWII General
  • Sandra Day O'Conner- U.S. Supreme Court Judge
  • Albert Einstein- Scientist, Mathematician, Genius
  • Orville and Wilbur Wright- Inventors
  • C.S.Lewis- Author
  • Walt Whitman- Poet
  • Dave Thomas- founder of Wendy's
  • Alan Alda- Actor, star of MASH
  • Hillary Duff- Actress
  • Bode Miller- Olympic Skier


 Proverb 22:6 catechise the child when his beard start growing. So he won’t depart

Thus he will be able to face the adulthood.

Thursday 4 October 2012

I am so happy that I could create my first blogspot in