Curriculum plans

Bible History

Thursday 25 October 2012

Our Homeschooling philosophy

Parents who choose to home school their children due to variety of  reasons. In some cases parents have specific religious goals which they wish to achieve. Others are unhappy with teaching methods in the public schooling system, or object to teaching specific subjects. Yet others simply feel they can provide a better education for their themselves.

Public education however really came into existence only during 20th century and today it is the norm. However from 1960 many started showing dissatisfaction and withdrawn from schools. whatever may be the philosophy, one consistent line of thought is that children are the focal point of the learning experience and their proper development is the goal. The fundamental idea is child is a naturally active learner. The above idea holds that, if you provide the right environment and resources, there is no need to enforce learning as children are very good in exploring the world around them.  Section 7 of the 1996 Education act covering England states that parents have the duty to cause  their children to receive efficient education suitable to their age, ability, aptitude and their special needs.Also provide right to parents to educate children according to religious and philosophical convictions.

We decide to home educate because of three main reasons. a. CHARACTER FORMATION  b. As church teaches PARENTS AS ROLE MODELS AND CO-EDUCTORS c. FAITH FORMATION. We belong to a catholic youth movement called Jesus Youth. Therefore we are involved with different categories of children especially preteens, teens and youth. Especially, my husband Joby used to work among young adults. It is found that lot of children are affected by broken families. Their innocent nature is highly influenced by the pressure from  peer groups and lack of  affection from their parents,  due to their working patterns and lack of understanding of children's psychology. Moreover, parents are trying hard to bring up their children in the light of God. However , the very sense of right and wrong in a christian perspective was never so much at variance with the viewpoint of the world.This put parents at constant pressure and get confused, about how to help children spot the deceiving lies of the world.

When we de registered the children, our eldest daughter Ann Marie was in year 1 and second child Michael was in reception. The reading books they received from the school were too much of fantasies which made our son to have scary night dreams. Some books shared values against a good family. The other kids in the school are from different family background and often the bad behaviors of other children are easily influenced by kids. At times we couldn't justify the attitudes of the teachers and teaching assistant and find its not appropriate for our children to be trained under them. All these issues made us asking a question whether, we could educate them at home. We daunted with this question for six months with lots of prayers, research and reading. Finally while discussing with our spiritual father and meeting some other home schooling families made us to start our home school.

The Catholic home schooling families(even large families) we met were leading such a challenging life styles, with children who are very innocent and maintaining the virtues what every human should possess. Their parents are well educated, practicing catholic. You may wonder  how could you have families like this in this current era of growing consumerism and relativism.

Remembering CCC and church's call that parents are the real role models and primary educators of the children.Parents have primary responsibility for the nurture of their children.That nurture includes the cultivation of their spirit, the formation of their character, the education of their mind, the growth of their body and the development of their gifts.

Through Home Schooling we are trying to achieve enough time with children, by all means through the grace of God.

 Some of the more well known homeschoolers, and what part they played in history:
  • Abraham Lincoln- President of the U.S.
  • Franklin Delano Roosevelt- President of the U.S.
  • Douglas MacArthur-WWII General
  • Patton- WWII General
  • Sandra Day O'Conner- U.S. Supreme Court Judge
  • Albert Einstein- Scientist, Mathematician, Genius
  • Orville and Wilbur Wright- Inventors
  • C.S.Lewis- Author
  • Walt Whitman- Poet
  • Dave Thomas- founder of Wendy's
  • Alan Alda- Actor, star of MASH
  • Hillary Duff- Actress
  • Bode Miller- Olympic Skier


 Proverb 22:6 catechise the child when his beard start growing. So he won’t depart

Thus he will be able to face the adulthood.

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