Curriculum plans

Bible History

Tuesday 30 January 2024

13th Birthday

It was my Theresus birthday - 13th. Thank God tor our miracle babe.I was away. But we celebrated together and then she had a lovely treat with her close allies.

Home made cookies and bakes by Annus n Jocha waiting for friends.

Decors by Munnu n co.

Sunday 7 January 2024

Feast of Epiphany- Welcone 2024

The Feast of Epiphany-manifeststion of son of God to the world. Also it is knoen as 12 days of Christmas in Britain from the olden traditions...

   The dinsl day of twelve days snd Christmas decors down. We had our bith sons crlebrate their baptism day too. Had s mini feast

 Made  French de Galauux  and hid coin , geo got it, Whiever gets coin will be king of  the day.

Wise mrn from nativity play celebrated among home edders.
High points of the party could be appearance of three kings, story of three kings, a galette. Final day to sing Song- Twelve days of Christmas.

  We had cookies and roast. Prepared by big kids.

Thf day to culminate with Epiphany blessing on the doors using the blessed chalk.

  Happy Feast of Epiphany