Curriculum plans

Bible History

Friday 29 September 2023


Today as a special day at home. It is Michaelmas feast and I love St Michael's day. 

Mich was gifted on his feast day with his favourites. As today 29th September celebrates the feast of Archangels - Michael  Rafel and Gabriel..

You nay know that St Michael from revelation, where we read about him throwing Satan out of heaven and leading God's war against evil..the prayer of Archangel is very powerful, I heard people say how strong it is the power of St Michael's prayer ..

Our day today:

 Doing little activities on archangels...though my youngest ones are bit unwell. After reading Raphel - name means 'God heals' we thought to ask healing from God 

Here is s list of things to do on the day-

Traditionally the day has lots and lots of significance in Britain. ...the time of giving thanks after harvest. Usually it used to be the time of giving rents  and payments.

You will see lot of purple daisies around  (asteracea)and can bring to decorate table.

Food obviously has got important role, tradition to eat goose and roast carrots, due to the lack of it, people go for chicken. ....carrots are traditional 

You can make things with black berries- crumbles,  pies or snacks...we had blackberries to serve... 

       Archangels guard us


Sunday 17 September 2023

Science Lessons

It was a beautiful way of coming back to ignite after summer break. Children were keen on science lessons. Lots and lots of fabulous science for curious minds. Today they were exploring everyone's' summer break and think curiously. 

Today was the hypothesis and assembling a project about energy

Friday 15 September 2023

Feast of Exaltation of Cross

On 14th September we celebrated the great Feast of Exaltation of the Cross. Reminded of the great victory of cross and redeemed upon the cross.
This is the wonderful way of teaching kids about the mission of discovering cross by St Helen of Constantinople. Helen went on a mission to find the true cross of Christ. Once they discovered, they found out the true cross from the miraculous healing 

But most of all, children can be reminded of the great sacrifice Christ made for each of us. Today we looked at tones and shading the still life pictures and decorated a paper cross. Also repeated the beautiful stanzas- We adore you O Christ, we bless you because by your Holy Cross you have redeemed  the world.

On our stroll, there were lots of asteracea ( purple daisies) sign of upcoming St Martin feast.
The next day is Our Lady of Sorrow- being a disciple , taking up the cross and follow Him at every moments.
After reciting rosary , , rosary bracelet was made and looked at scriptures on the 7 sorrows of Mary

Today was a sunny day and the time outdoor was fun with our little faith lessons.
       Our Lady of Sorrows pray for us

Feast of Exhaltation of Cross

14th September is the Feast of Exhaltation of tge Cross. Reminded of tge great victory of Cross upon sin, shame and guilt. Here is the wonderful day toteach kids about the mission of discovering true Cross by Empress St Helen of Consrantinopple. Once they exxavated, true Cross was idenyified by the moraculous healing .

But most of all childrrn can be reminded of the great sacrifice Christ made gor each one of us. Today we looked at tones and shadeibg the still life pictures and decorated a paper Cross.

Monday 11 September 2023

Back to School

Blogging after a break, back into usual chores of a homeed life. Into routines and had a house blessing from priest prior to School opening.  More than anything, it was nativity of Our Lady. So kind of lovely day with warm weather in Britain. New freebies given out and our start outdoor..

As it was Feast of Nativity of Mary, there are so many beautiful ways you can nake the day colourful with Mary as our mother. Obviously you can make some birthday cakes decorate with candles, cards to make or games.  We had some word searches and finding events from Mary's life from Gospel. Always Marian feasts are celebrated and incoorporated in our journey. Homeschool begin today. Kidoos went for ECDL ( European Computer Driving Lesson).


Geo just enjoying cricket, back into action. Chess back on and athletics group , Ethihad stadium.

   Best wishes for new ventures to take this year. Panning to adopt few swimming lessons, music and cricket this year. Also just enrolling to some curriculum this academic year. Looking forward to it. This year we want to pray through St IgnatiusLoyola- whom we got so inspired in our Road Trip to Portugal. I love the quote of Ad Majorem- All for the greater glory of God.