Curriculum plans

Bible History

Sunday 25 December 2022

Merry Christmas 2022

As  we celebrate today Christmas, we are reminded of C.S.Lewis words " Grandest miracle  of all".  Christmas is the great time of giving.  The greatest form of giving is God's són. 

We are celebrating s with Thomas family this year though it was bit of a light one.

Preps of the day. Attended vigil mass and left to Worcestershire. 

  Home made wine for the festive days. Infact I got admitted in hospital when I started the process. It's kind of just ready for Christmas. 

Cookies by Vid and Vib

Merry Christmas to each and everyone. May the joy of birth of infant  Jesus brings lot of hope and peace in our hearts and around.

Wednesday 14 December 2022

Advent 2022

Jesse tree is getting bigger going through the salvation story. On 13th December , we looked into story of Samson. Today celebrates the feast of St Lucy- young girl in the early church who stood bravely for Christ. 
Many Swedish people prayed through St Lucy in their famine. As a result big miracle happened, ship carried Bread for the people. A great saint to remember during advent..She was persecuited for her faith ,tortured and torn away her eyes. Eventually great miracle was seen, she received her vision back . Also she is known aa patron saint of the que aliments. Eldest girls stress up in white dress and carrying food with candle on get head. This simbolise St Lucy who with candle on her head go and visit indispensable deliver food

It is a nice tradiition to have  some sweet buns on the day...This year we made Cinnamon rolls.

The day before we all gathered together to decorate our parish church.

This is the third week of advent- theme of Joy lighting pink candle . 


Since 17th December started the tradition of saying Antiphon with title of Christ  in preparatori for Nativity. This is the oldest from of prayers don'e by monks; first day begins with Jesús the wisdom or Sapièntia.

Titles of Root of Jesse, Jesús the king, Day Spring are remember each day with a little gift for children wrapped up.

Another title is House of David.  Some of our Antiphon days from archives 2020. Got ginger Bread man for the day.

Caroling from church
   Nativity scene ready for the infant Jesús.

Tuesday 29 November 2022

RHS Bridgewater garden & Intofilm

After such a long time, we got a chance to visit RHS garden with other fellow homeschoolers. That was an amazing trip, which everyone looked at different essentials of art. Looked at shape, lines, form, textures which form the core aspect of an art. Following that there was a trip outside the gardens to look at different trees oak,beach, holly, pine cone, yew tree and sculpted an art on each tree with its uniqueness. Oak is strong and beach is glorious in its look especially in autumn season. It was a fabulous learning trip and thoroughly enjoyed.

      Art in texture, shading the bark using crayons.

Gave diferent faces to trees with its .uniqueness 

   Intofilms is a brillant oportunity  to promote filM and production to children. This year we watched Jurassic world Dominion aa a family.

Chess Meet

It was on 27th November that Geo played chess in Eccles club with other players. Munnu and Theresu joined along.It was a long day and back home at 3pm after time of appreciation.

Together with children from Sharon club in the end.

   Family snap once game is over. Enjoying time with birthday boy.

Sunday 27 November 2022

Birthday On November

Birthday reunites and narrow the gaps. Another memorable birthday of  beloved Jobycha...Cards flew in. Some were modelling cards till mid night.

Little Geo made a card inserting some pennies in.

 Handmade card by Mich full of love hearts kept pressing overnight.

   Other cards

    It was a busy day with chess outdoor and had a gente cake cutting once Annu finished her simple design.

We spent most of the day ended in Chess competition in Eccles.

Back to Home

Its been great few weeks in Índia.Times flew past. Met famílies and got some boredoms as well as many kids were at Skool.

On the way back to UK through quatar......soon FIFA.

 In our new house under construction.

Friday 21 October 2022

Cherish India

It has been happy moments with our parents and siblings bringing back lots of memories. Things have changed and life is in its stroll. Going to India is like bringing those nostàlgic moments back. Things not same which used to be where children didnt  stck their nose into smartphone, just playing in sunshine. Not many songs in spotify instead many of them know even lyrics well.

However we still want to revive those things; Just gone to Thommankuthe was great fun in the water. Woods were quiet and kiddoos enjoyed..
  One of our reguar visit to our newly discovered vegetarian hotel in Thodupizha . We became a regular customer and food is yummy with lots of attractions around the restaurant.

Visit to our relatives and fun time in nearby brook. Some just swam and others just learn to swim.

Found some chess time for Geo in Alleppey . All those participants were excellent.

Geo just got an oportunity to play in a chess academy in Alleppey . I found that is a great opportunity  .

 Just had fun time in beach with crashing waves with golden sun set of the eve.

Movie time watching in kairali was bit too much for Geo ..

Fun time with cousins playing around.

I thank God for this time of year when I could meet  very special people who played a unique role in my life.

Time with near and dear ones. Ach and mom celebrating wedding Anniversary.