Curriculum plans

Bible History

Wednesday 30 December 2020

Snowy days

Snow seems to be trying to make children cheerful, kids are bit extra happy this year 2020 devoid of so many other things this year.  Watching the snow fall , early chance to capture those playful moments in snow : making snow balls and snow man. 

Outside our church after Mass.. annu made additions to snowman.

Out this morning for a winter stroll and kids playing in snow pools. 

Thank God for all the ups and downs of this year 2020. Hope 2021 is a blessing and hopeful year for all. 

Christmas Day

 Everywhere in England went into different tiers of lockdown.One of those years ,which longing to meet our close friends especially during Christmas. Attended H.Mass in our parish and set out our journey.It was incredibly amazing day for us. Prepared roastmeal on Christmas day and invited one of other friends who were also left alone this Christmas.Some of the  highlights of the day were meal,setting up table,visit by friends, exchanging gifts with Thomas family, instant nativity play,movie time.Returned home that day night.
     Our Christmas table getting ready with crackers and roast

  Yummy velvet Christmas cake by Vid and Vib.

   Christingle getting ready and advent wreath on

   Unwrapping gifts after reaching home.

Our Star of Bethlehem 

   Doing the instant nativity play under the direction of Jocha.It was great fun to enjoy watching the play after Christmas meal , time to relax and enjoy the play.

Our nativity crib...couldn't get enough time to decorate.  However it is great to give the essence of Christmas after all .

   Merry Christmas to everyone.

Wednesday 16 December 2020

O Antiphon days-Golden nights

The intensive preparation of advent phase begin from today 17th December till 23rd. This is the very beautiful tradition since 8th Century, called Golden nights. Last seven days of advent, getting very closer to the joyful coming of our Lord. Seven jewels of prayers and songs added in the evening, why it is O antiphons? Because each day starts with ''O'' ... Everyday from today we say different titles of saviour.
 Dec 17th is Wisdom/Sapientia 
 18th Lord and ruler
 19th Root of jesse. 
 20th Key of David 
 21st Day spring/Orient
22nd King of Gentiles / Nations
 23rd Jesus the Emmanuel.

 There is an old monastic way of treating these days till Christmas. In the past, we tried to incoorporate making some special foods these days, gifts, encourage singing together O come ..Emmanuel songs in the eve.., saying magnificat., Or even a little house can be brought or made and every eve with songs children can open each door. So Antiphons not only bring intensity of advent but bring it to a joyful celebration. 

Some of our days during antiphon week. Allocated different days with titles to each one of the family. Initiated with mind- Wisdom. Geo took Jesus the king title. Days or eve with some readings, gifts, a treat, food connected to theme..even Mich did a game of Jesus the Lord. Geo hid a few pictures of kings/ queens and everyone together did a hunt of pictures.

 FOM ARCHIVES. Some of the ideas and printables from catholic icing here.

Carols and play

It was a great day in St Mary's Warrington.
Play that was practising for many weeks were performed and filmed was put on screen to watch together with Soup fund raising by Sey for St Mary's.

Below is the link to watch skit done by our homeschoolers about Our Lady of Guadulupe, but not to share

After Lunch, we went to Crompton home to perform Carols. Performed it outdoor and the residents watched from their rooms. It was so peaceful and joyful moment to watch them enjoying. 

Sunday 13 December 2020

Gaudete Sunday

 As we are in the third Sunday of advent- Gaudete Sunday. 'I exult for joy in the Lord', for even if the life is miserable at times. Today on 13th of December, we honour St Lucy, means light, one of the beautiful feast during advent. Prepared some braided rolls and cinnamol rolls for the breakfast by Annu. St Lucy's story was read and it is reminded of how much we should also be light to others in reflecting the true light of Christ. Just planning to go and visit lights today as we were doing in previous years.

Braided roll which made out of ready made soft pastry. Often the privilege of older girls to bring tea and little boys can be star boys. St Lucy day is extremely popular in Sweden....


Along with that baked some cinnamon rolls for the breakfast.

 Three strips are cut and braided , added chocolate drops to give a flavour and iced on top. Served hot and yummy. It was great day with so many blessings from above.  Reebs n Tijo visited my parents which was a Godsend experience to us during lockdown.  There were a few opportunities to share His love in our lives with young children and young couples.

On 12th of Dec,  we celebrated the feast of Our Lady of Guadulupe- Some of the things did together. There was children's hour as part of advent. Some of the resources borrowed from catholic inspired and sadlier religion. Just went through the beautiful meaning of the Tilma, sun rays behind her, ribbon around her waist, standing on moon, angel is holding her on her shoulder indicating aztec culture of carrying king or queen on shoulder.

           Old canvas painting of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

                                Prepared Mary with play dough ..some used salt dough too. It was lot of fun and learning making Mary on her feast day for the nativity scene.

Continuing the spirit of advent journey...

Tuesday 8 December 2020

Feast of Immaculate conception

 Today 8th of December, celebrating the beautiful feast of Immaculate conception, not to  be confused as conception of Jesus in the womb of Mary....Immaculate- spotless/clean /innocent....Conception-conceived. So in other words, the Feast is all about the reminder of Mary is protected from sin even from the very first moments of her conception in her mother's womb..As you look at Liturgical calendar, Mary is conceived in St Anne's womb, following 9 months is Mary's birthday on September 8th.

God prepared Mary's soul to be worthy of being the mother of God.She is often referred as New eve without sin just like Eve was, but Mary was obedient and willing to follow God's will and trusting Him throughout her life.

There are so many beautiful ways to celebrate the day.

1. Attending  Holy Mass and say a small prayer , as this is a Solemnity. Light a candle and pray for someone in need today through Mary our mother too. Or to visit a Marian shrine if nearby.

2. If not,attend the virtual mass and a special day to read out  a book for children on Mary or for of St Bernadette, Fatima children,Our lady of Guadalupe....Probably say an extra decade or a mystery if you can with your children. 

3.Something to do or practice a virtue. Practice learning the word from scriptures...'Rejoice,so highly favoured Lady,..The Lord is with you..'.Luke 1;28.

4. Craft or art can be excellent for this day. Themassbox has a little craft, to make a Marian grotto craft and some word search ,maze....or Catholic icing has a beautiful coloring page explaining Immaculate conception with an amazing illustration.A feltcraft can be made too. 

Christmas ornament to do on this day to hang on your Christmas tree, make sure you have some old Christmas cards ready to cut and stick it using mod podge. Our kids used it a while ago .


5.Great day to watch CCC movie titled 'Bernadette-The princess of Lourdes'. This kids version is available in FORMED.

6. Every feast day has something to do with a yummy delicious treat to serve or make. Have fun with some white treats. The feast is reminded of sinless/purity of Mary. Enjoy the day with vanilla ice cream or a desert with a puffy cream...which I gonna try later today.

7.Here is a beautiful resource explaining the doctrine to teach children about the Feast.

 'O Mary who conceived without original sin pray for us who have recourse to you' .

Saturday 5 December 2020

A December memoir

 Getting bit lazy in blogging these days. Caught up with my new passion in Homeopathy. Reading, knowing, exploring the new amazing world, got my License to practise as a homeopath, still in learning process. As a family we have been using homeopathy for more than 16 years which we inherited through mummy. 

  Thought to put down a few words today morning as it is Feast of St Nicholas, which children always enjoy at home with gifts and sweets..I am glad that the churches are open back after one month lock down and looking forward to attend Holy Mass on second Sunday of advent. Kids are lighting the second candle of advent- Peace. I am sure its a privilege for little ones especially for Geo, everything is new in his memories to register. We have our new parish priest joining back today.

Things hung and ready to enjoy on the feast

     Opening stuffs
     Roast for Lunch

Some of the old posts from previous years.. There are some beautiful resources for kids to do. Another beautiful feast which reminds us to serve others, poor and needy. Planning to gather old and good toys with the help of children and  to donate when time permits.

Some of our days last a few weeks leading to advent; other feasts and treats over last few weeks. Days in and out. Advent wreath is decorated by Geo and Theresu, coloured with melted crayons, some coniferous foliage from our garden with my collection of cones.

We were out sometime to play football
On the feast of St Francis Xavier, just got a chance to bake a quick cake to share someone. Praying for all missionary movements.

        Making cards for grandparents 

Time pass ....

Mary queen of Scotland

'The giver of every good and perfect gift has called upon us to mimic His giving, by grace, through faith and this is not our giving '

Happy Feast of St Nicholas