Curriculum plans

Bible History

Sunday 21 June 2020

Solemnity of Sacred Heart

Sacred Heart Feast is celebrated  19 days after Pentecost.The whole month of June is dedicated to Sacred Heart.

Christ himself revealed to St Margaret Mary Alacoque the love of Sacred Heart.Though the devotion to Sacred Heart is much older. We are all reminded of boundless love of Christ for humanity.

Let us focus on the exposed heart of Lord, we see in the paintings,with crown of thorns, the cross, the wound, rays around and the flames with cross on it. Flames represents His burning love for us,the rays of light shows Christ the light of the world. The cross and the crown of thorns remind us the passion of Lord and all His sufferings for our sins.

You can do a few things at on the feast day, some heart shaped cup cakes, fruit salad with berries decorated in the shape of heart .

Children can be encouraged to repeat ejaculatory prayers to Sacred Heart from below.
Then along with Holy Mass, consecrate our families to Sacred Heart.

                                      Sweet Heart of Jesus be my Love.

                       Sacred Heart of Jesus I place my trust in You.

                    Jesus meek and humble of heart make my heart like yours.

Thursday 18 June 2020

Crazy Cricket Fan- A 5th birthday Party

Today is Geo's 5th Birthday. Since it is  unique and different birthday this year , with no much friends to be invited and have a party.

However  the thought of his birthday make me to do a party with just our family .His favourite passion is to play cricket now a days , which is another strange thing from other siblings, whom loves a little bit football only.
Thus theme was around cricket and he is so delighted with cricket bat, football cards, chess book for beginner which is one of his another favourite game . I am also in enforcement camp and trying to learn as much I can, to be his playmate . He is my guru too.

At home, we all dumbstruck by the sad demise of one of our good friend in Australia. Eternal rest grant upon her and comfort the sorrowful husband and children

Nevertheless, Annu prepared a cricket themed cake : base,crumb coating, ganache and final embellishments by early morning. It looks stunning.

As part of my effort , prepared jelly,  cricket ball Pinata , which took a few days to layer it up and fill in sweets. 
Munnu prepared his signature birthday cards with cricket ball in pitch, along with that Geo's portrait was made and imprinted it with mini cut straw pieces. It looks great. Theresu also learning to make pop up cards and she tried her very best too. 
Jobychaya helped with table decors.
Geo got surprise gift from his closest friend by post.  That was beautiful and I was wishing some gift which he asked me for. I truly believe Lord hear all your needs. Children put their hearts in to make this day beautiful.

Geo was glad with cricket set, chess book, dinosaur s , putty and sweets.
Thank you Lord for the gift of Geo in our life and for the wonderful years.

Tuesday 16 June 2020

Days Out

Last week of lock down, we went out as a family for the first time. Geo wants to be out for playing cricket in our football park close by our house. It was nice to play as a family . Geo wants to be playing cricket all day.

 it was St Antony's feast day too and a day for a nature walk as he is man closely associated with nature and animals. The story goes like this He even preached to fishes in the sea when no one there to listen tio his words.

Though we couldn't go out as such , but we went to out in our back garden and just enjoying growing vegetable patch in our garden with potatoes,beet root, beans,onions.


The day of Solemnity of Corpus Christi which reminds us of the gift of Holy Eucharist when we are missing to receive Lord physically, Annu baked some biscuits and decorated in the form of monstrance and filled in with mango chunks. Annu seems enjoying baking, more than that others enjoy her treats.

Saturday 6 June 2020

lockdown bakes

During lockdown, Annu baked profiterole, caramel tart, brownie, waffle with cream , sticky toffee pudding along with other usuals. That was a big achievement from her side as she prepared everything from scratch without my assistance , as a pass time hobby for her and came out very well.

 I recall my memories with my mum who made so many deserts for us and I hope certain talents are gifted on Annu too. Thank God for making things possible in different ways during the tough times and all the wonderful technology around.


    Caramel tart

Heart pastry


      Sticky toffee pudding


        Homemade Chocolate waffles 

          Coffee cake on Wedding Anniversary

Pentecost Cream cheese cake

        Divine Mercy special