Curriculum plans

Bible History

Thursday 22 August 2019

Space Chase reading challenge

The summer Reading challenge in libraries this year is Space chase. There are lot of amazing activities going around in libraries. Children took part in making space craft , solar system chalk board which is all about making own chalkboard with hilarious and fun planets from it. The magically magic show was a magic show happened in libraries, pulling a coin from your ear and making objects disappear.

              Making space rockets and astronaut. Geo is decorating rockets with gems and colored papers.

They enjoyed the hour and it was a good learning for them and on the way back they borrowed a few books from library.

Wednesday 14 August 2019

Month Of August

Most popular month in the internet may be December. However, month of August is the favourite. Generally the weather is warm and more pleasant. Everyone can enjoy and soak in the sun while there is still warmth in it. Farmers, fruit growers and all who work on the earth love it since it is the month to reap the fruit of their labours. As Children of Mary. we look forward as well to celebrate the feast of the Assumption of our Lady on August 15th and on the following week her coronation as Queen of Heaven.

It has been a few blessed weeks in our family. My sister was not very well and asked many to pray. She has recovered amazingly and thank God for His blessing and for so many other things. Children took part in some of the reading challenges -Space Chase, no school, playing outdoor most of the time, time with our cousins, arise fundraising in Sheffield, visiting museums, attending Summer camps with FSSP, Formby beach,pottery

                                          visit to Manchester Museum.the current event is all about sensory play with water, 
paint and so on.

Munnu went for Summer camp with FSSP ,with lots of fun outdoor,games, hiking and time of catechesis.Now 
Annu is attending girls camp.

                One of the snap from last month, our Godson's birthday

As part of member of National trust, we visited Formby beach in Liverpool,sandy beach and it was a bit sunny 
day. Children enjoyed making sand castle and Geo was bit unhappy as he was packed with sand when finished playing in the water.It was the Feast of St Maximilian Kolbe who was a courageous and strong martyr, whom I was so inspired to read and listen,their horrible lives in the concentration camp,however,Kolbe was sharing God's love among others in the camp.


Stoke on Trent is famous for pottery factories and visited Middleport pottery yesterday for a play with clay event, made some impressions.

Today is Feast of Assumption of our Lady, you can find details of feast from archives.

Thursday 1 August 2019

Mid Summer days

Last week it was the Feast of St James on July 25th. He is one of the disciples who martyred for the faith and the body was brought to spain and was buried. The journey was a difficult one by sea and the symbol is a  scallop shell . The burial place is  a great pilgrimage which is Compostela in Spain. It was an old custom that children can prepare grotto and decorate with shells from the beach during sunny days.

Reminded of this , we went for a walk in Malvern hills in Worcester with Thomas family. Most of the children climbed the peak with Jobycha and that was a great time though there was showers on and off. Left there at 9 pm.

 As well as that, libraries are doing Summer reading challenge.Theme is 'Space Chase' for this year and Theresu and Georgu went for a space helmet craft workshop which was interesting and fun for both.