Curriculum plans

Bible History

Friday 30 November 2018

Jochayan's Birthday

Yesterday was Jochayan's birthday, kids were preparing their cards and cakes.They all were really excited and our friend's parents were invited.

Annu put her heart in making yummy carrot cake with chocolate embellishments, prepared day before and sandwiched.Thank God for him and had a good day.

Some of the placemats I made recently to try on this special day.

Annu is busy into decorating cake.


Below is the greeting card from all of our children and looks great.

Wednesday 28 November 2018

Armistice day

St Mary's choir  performed A play  for parishioners. The skit was organised by Alison and with war poem Flanders fields.AnnMarie was narrator, Munnu acted as priest by reciting some Latin prayers, Theresu n Geo as soldiers. It was great fun to make paper mache soldier hat which took a couple of days in a proper form. Children performed very well and it was a great time of centenary.

The play is designed by attatched here

Tuesday 6 November 2018

Bon Fire Night

Thought of sharing some fun time last night. Along with our whole street , jochaya also made some fire and roasted marshmallows. Then sparklers were lit, however our Geo was scared of firewirks and stopped coming out and rest of us enjoyed being outdoor.

Thursday 1 November 2018

All Saints Day

It was all hallows eve yesterday. There was lots of children pop in for trick or treats, unfortunately all our plans for All saints day been drop down as our whole family is affected with chicken pox. However , saint o lanterns were done with the help of Theresu who is the healthiest now and little Geo with spots on his body.One of our friend's daughter joined with us for the party and together did some paper dali of patron saints and watched Nicholas movie in

Some sweets were decorated with little labels of 'God loves you' were handed over to the children who came for treat which evolved from an ancient practise of begging for soul cakes and promising their prayers for the souls.

      All saints Pray for us