Curriculum plans

Bible History

Thursday 27 September 2018

PE Monday

Annu, Munnu and Theresugo for athletes in Sports arena near Etihad stadium,it is a brilliant opportunity and Geo too join in the indoor sports area alontg with us. PE trainers do lot of exercises, running, discuss  throw, javelin,pole vault, long jump, high jump, relay and so on with the group.

Wednesday 26 September 2018

Feast Of Archangels / Michaelmas

Our St Mary's Home ed Choir group had a mini celebration of archangels today and children had a scavenger hunt of archangels which can be found here  .Children had fun outdoor  hunting the answer, ended up day with St Michael's prayer and a yummy chocolate cake.

The end of harvesting came in September coincide with the Feast of Archangels which used to be known as Michaelmas. Joanne's Bogle book of Feast and season mention   "Forefathers used to give the first ripe corn in August to the church, which was used in making the communion bread for a special Mass of Thanks giving. This gives us the word of Lammas'- a mixture of Loaf and Mass. One of the special day in our family as munnu carries the name saint of St Michael.

This is one of the quarter days in the year which is close to solistices or equinoxes , time of the year where leases renewed, servants are hired in the past, with the fact to end the harvest season with Michaelmas day.

I love the  tradition connected to  blackberries which are considered to be not good to eat after September ' Devil spat on them when he was cast out of Heaven into Michaelmas'.


Making cupcakes is a wise and thrify idea on this feast day with some butter cream fosting with some added blackberry puree if you can get some. Anything associated with blackberries is a good idea to use on this feast day. It is the last chance to collect any left blackberries from your brambles. Beautiful feast food ideas are there in catholic cuisine blog.

Another wonderful idea is to bake some freshly baked bread, eat it with a special Harvest Thanksgiving prayer by gathering on the table something that grown during the year;
                     Back of the bread is the flour
                    Back of the flour is the mill
               Back of the mill is the wind and the rain
               And the Father's will.

The tradition on this day is to eat a roasted goose, stuffed with apples. Infact historians say on the Michaelmas day Queen Elizabeth I was dined with goose when she heard the news of the defeat of the Spanish Armada and she resolved to eat it on Michaelmas day.


Michaelmas Daisies (perenial asters) bloom this time of the year with tall purple daisies which you can find this time. Why not take children to nearby parks or woods to gather these flowers and decorate table for the Michaelmas feast ?

Since St Michael is considered as protector from evil and darkness and children cand do some crafts which can be hung from chandelier with some prayers and a colouring of of St Michael, St Gabriel( Anunciation ) and St Raphel (healing - in connection with Tobith). You can obtain the pdf colouring page from catholicsistas.

                    Happy Feast Of Archangels

Croissant Baking

 Yesterday was a day for Theresu and Geo to do some fun cooking. Idea to make from croissant came into my mind as puff pastry was there in the fridge . There came the fun for them to roll , cut and stick it in the oven. Roll came out pretty well in terms of rolling and cutting by kids and me.

Wednesday 5 September 2018

Back to school 2018

After long summer holidays in India and World family meet in Ireland the time flew so fast. Finally it is the time for the new academic year. As usual, children were building hopes to have some fun on the back to school day. This year I didn't get chance to make any shultes.

There was lots of school items along with some chocolates, candies, jellies and stuffs. Thersu was more excited and Geo was not sure what is happening today. After being to Holy Mass, our celebration started with fun.

Below is the post of back to school  from previous years for any more ideas. There are lots of ideas in shower of roses blog for new school year.

Happy Feast of Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

Making Candy floss

Mich was so excited today after his constant hard work for the last few days to fix the motor to make candy floss. I predicted it was going to be a flop, sorry being a nasty mother. Me got excited once Mich's dream to make candy floss came true. 

He made the motor connected to electricity and fixed to a metal cap which started rotating it. Then sugar solution in water which was made before was allowed to run through the metal cap. Water solution was gently poured through metal cap once the motor is started going, slowly you could see candy floss started building up in the box in which everything is set up. It was great fun and so delighted to see his little engineering skills started flourishing.

Donald's Birthday

We were invited to join for Don's birthday in Trafford centre. Don looks so happy when we met him and went to have bouffet in one of the Thai restaurant and kiddos enjoyed meal. So tired in the end and had a lovely birthday with Don on his 9th celebration.

Sports day

St Mary's choir school had their sports day last Tuesday. The day was packed with lots of  fun events like obstacle race, two legged race, spoon and potato, long distance run and so on. Many parents and relatives joined for the day. Sun was shining gently and so we all had a brilliant day. Children bagged some medals and certificates for two legged race, wheel barrow race and obstacle race. . Geo was bit reluctant to join and enjoyed on his push bike.

                Jochaya joined along with two of the FSSP priests which was so fun as a family