Curriculum plans

Bible History

Tuesday 20 March 2018

Feast of St Joseph

The solemnity of St Joseph is a great feast during Lent. It is a tradition to make a St Joseph Altar remembering the prayers of people of Sicily during a huge famine.Prayers were heard and the famine was ended.People brought all sorts of produce as a thanksgiving,which is reminded during the feast day.

.St Joseph is the patron  of fathers, universal church and patron of our Homeschooling too.

Celebrated this beautiful day with some treats and said Litany too.


Children has enjoyed snow and made snowman.


Mary MEALS Backpack

There was a golden opportunity to join with schools backpack project which is part of Mary meals.Many backpacks have been sent to children who are unfortunate to have such things in different countries. It is sent from supporters from UK and Ireland who supports 
Mary meals .It is also a great way to recycle things too and great initiative for children to support other children who are in need during lenten season.

Geo is carrying the bag.

Four bags were collected and handed over to St Mary's church, which is donating to Mary's  meals in the coming week.

Someone turned 13

Annu has turned thirteen, a teenager.There was a cake cutting on that day, asked our parish priest to offer a Holy Mass for her. Imade the carrot cake.That day eve we went out to have meal in Trafford centre.It was a fantastic day.Thank Lord for my wonderful Annukuttan and all the blessings received through her over these years in our family.

Annu is holding a birthday party for some of her friends on Sunday and everyone at home is helping to make a pinata.

          Some of the snaps in Trafford centre.

Our dearest Annukuttan

Below is the birthday party at home and kept rainbow as theme even though Annu don't want any theme.

Rainbow cake decorated by Annukuttan

                      Pinata in its full form and ready for the blast.

                   Some of the rainbow decors in our lounge.

                                            Geo and his friend

World Book day

World Book Day is celebrated in UK on every first Thursday of March.This is initiated in 1998,to promote reading ,publishing etc.It is celebrated across UK and there is a upsurge in different initiatives associated with this book day in every year.

Some of our special was : Annu choose different character,Theresu as sleeping Beauty.Munnu as adventurous character.