Curriculum plans

Bible History

Saturday 24 February 2018

Chair of St Peter

This feast reminds on the mission of teacher and pastor conferred by Christ on Peter. It falls on 22nd Feb.We celebrate the unity of the church founded upon Apostles and followed by the Magesterium of Roman pontiff.

Our Lord says to Peter '' You are the rock and I will build my church upon you....

I was at work after a long time and children made chair out of empty toilet roll and leaves, reminding the feast of Chair of St Peter. Great work to see once back from work.

                            Happy Feast of Chair of St Peter

Our lenten journey's

This is the second week of Lent and some of the traditions follows at home. Children are having a crown of thorns made out of dough and tooth picks, done by Annu. Every good deeds are encouraged and encourages them to take thorns out from of our Lord.

There is a lenten calendar coloured by Theresu and prayer, fasting and alms giving on daily basis is added in the calendar. 

In At gallery

Half term is up and some collage activities children took part in the Whitworth Art Gallery. Geo had fun adding water to the paint and doing lot of water paints, even the paper got ripped . Theresu and Annu did some colorings and drawings. Mich is very keen into his rub ix cube so he can't focus on anything else. 

My lenten art below

Theresu's rainbow. 

Friday 23 February 2018

Ash wednesday

There was a golden chance to visit the replica of Shroud of Turin in Salfored Bishop house on Ash wed. There was a lady who explained lots about it and was a unique experience on ash wednesday. 

Strove Tuesday

On Stove Tuesday, there was a prayer gathering in our house. Had some pancakes and made some pizzas.


It was the feast of presentation /Candlemas on 2nd Feb. As a family, we spent sometime reading about presentation of the Lord. Enjoyed the small meal with family., some wafer sticks reminding candles, pancakes which is special on this day.

Weather was so lovely, sun was bright. Candlemas is candle less days; So why not get out for a nature walk?

Joined for the Candlemas in the eve. Towards the end of the day, dropped in Manchester Uni Holy Name Church for Night Fever, Such a blessed day.