Curriculum plans

Bible History

Wednesday 31 January 2018

Feast of St John Bosco

Jan 31st is the feast day of St John Bosco and a lovely day to enjoy doing  trampoling, jokes, riddles as John Bosco was the patron saint of orphaned and wayward youths.He encouraged them and accompanied them in a different way and so many interesting things about him.

Children read the biography of him and prepared a few card tricks, clown, circus skills, balancing and I prepared some riddles.It was a fabulous day. Some of the coloring pages was done in the end.

St John Bosco pray for all the youth.

Harmony and Contrast

It was interesting to know about the balck and white contrast, creating the color harmony. 
The colors that are next o each other can work together and in harmony. Blue and green are in harmony.

The colors that are opposite in color wheel are contrast. For eg; orange and purple are in contrast.

Black and white can be used to show strong contrast. Not in color wheel, but they are neutral colors. Black is darkness and white is like light.

Until God created the heavens there was only the void, which was all black with nothing, like the black paper. Then God created light and heavens and earth.He gave light to the void like the white of the chalk .

Museum of Science and Industry

MOSI is having a lot of activities on robot and other science lesson. We went together and children had lots of fun and learning. There was a demo on the the intelligence between robot and human.
From there we moved to plane museum which have recently renovated with lots of new entertainments .Jobychayan and Munnu enjoyed the virtual reality aerospace bus, which I thought bit dangerous. However, it was enjoyable and bit adventurous  for them


Geo is enjoying lifting a big car using lever.

        Annu and Theresu are trying to solve a mathematical puzzle.

Monday 29 January 2018

Birthday girl- 7th

It was Theresu's birthday last Sunday. She was very eagerly waiting for her party, extremely enthusiastic this year. Invitation was sent already. Some of her friends are planning to come.

Annu has prepared herself a castle cake as we are having a princess themed party. Cake looks amazing with allher hard work. There were some games and kids made some pizza and decorated it. They all enjoyed it. After that there was a passing the parcel game. Following that, cake was cut and meals were server. Children enjoyed and birthday girl really was excited with her presents and the new dress, ballons,badges

Thank you Lord for our miracle baby who celebrating 7 years old.

Wednesday 17 January 2018

Happy New Year & Epiphany feast

This is my first post in 2018. Twelve days of Christmas/ Epiphany feast was celebrated at home with a grand meal. Some of the children's friends were invited to it. Annu kuttan helped me a lot , she herself prepared Galeete de Rois, Jobychayan  assisted me in making some nice cutlutes. Came out very well this time .Different dishes were prepared in relation to the song..My first day of Christmas..true Love send to me.... song. Chidren had some fun together and was a great day.

Merry Christmas

I couldn't make any blog posts from last month and hoping to catch up. Some of the Christmas snaps.
It was a blessed time for our family. This time we had advent baskets and tried to read as many books we could.In addition, everyday we mnaged to add ornaments to Jesse tree with scripture readings. Worked hard to do as much we can.

After Vigil mass, children opened their gifts and I couldn't take any snaps. Following that  there was a great party in my friend's house [Raji]. Annu ,Munnu and Theresu's friends  were invited to our house on Christmas day. Had crackers, gifts exchange , roast meals and children had their fun together playing, chatting and watching.