Curriculum plans

Bible History

Thursday 24 August 2017

Foraging in our woods

Summer is nearly at its verge and getting into the time of autumn. Why not go and visit our 
orchard. Everyone got on their bikes along with Roshita. Firstly rode up till Sale water 
park,unfortunately Geo slept and plan got changed. Then reached orchard and jobychayan climbed some trees and got  some plums, apples, pear 
and picked  black berries too.

From there to Cemetry to visit the beautiful gardens and roam around inside the paths and said 
little prayers for our former parish priest. It was a blessed day and enjoyed  biking for nearly four 
to five miles.

Bolsover Castle

Bolsover Castle is an aristocratic 17th century retreat built by Cavendish family. This attraction is 
owned by English Heritage and this is our first visit to an English Heritage attractions as a member..

We had an interactive tour with multimedia provided by English Heritage.


 Some of the remainings  left are of Little castle , Riding house within the courtyard and the terrace range with banqueting halls and state rooms that would fit for royalty.

There is a fountain garden around the statue of venus and surrounded with different array of 
flowers. fanciful designs cut into turfs and filled with colourful gravels. There was a show 
happening outside tent for children along with parents and they enacted  Robinhood tale. It was a nice time and towards the end of the day we drove to our friend's house.

Friday 11 August 2017

Summer Holidays 2017

Summer holidays is on its peak. We are off the regular homeschooling  and doing lots of  outdoor fun . Summer time is more laid back and doing more of their personal choice and exploring outside. Children's friends and our cousins came for holidays and enjoyed the days. Kids went for cycling, making den in our woods, going on go cart, climbing, arts and reading challenges in library.

Salford Quay looks so beautiful with full of buildings of media city;BBC studio,ITV , BBC theatre

                                    Enjoying the barbecue with our cousins

                             Cycling in our woods with Thomas family

Kayaking in Chorlton water park.

Children enjoyed kayaking and it was lot of fun dipping and jumping into water from kayaks.


                                        In Museum of Science and Industry
MOSI with lots activities in science experiment and we went to see steam engines and trains. children also got  opportunity  to see how the cotton  mill works ,at one point Manchester  was the heart of cotton industry.

Children are involved in some of the reading challenges in library too.

Wednesday 2 August 2017

Grow your own potatoes project

Harvesting time for potatoes is up. Grow your own potatoes is a project for primary aged children to grow potatoes.

This time potatoes were not sufficiently grown enough possiblev lack of water..

Animal Agent Summer Reading

This year libraries are holding summer reading challenge and is called Animal agents. As part of it,children went for some activities in library in making animal hats.

Feast Of Our Lady Of Carmel

On the day of feast of Our LADY of CARMEL.

Prepared some delicious caramel slice and home made nan. Children listened to the story of Our Lady and made some craft on scapula. Great day

Our Lady Of Mount Carmel Pray For Us.