Curriculum plans

Bible History

Monday 20 June 2016

Someone turned One

Geo was so happy to see the floating balloons around him as soon as he got up. Turned one on 18th June. Our parish priest offered a Holy Mass in the morning. He had lots of cuddles from all of us though he is not aware of anything. 

Jayden n Joella joined too for cake cutting

Kids made some beautiful cards which is on the left hand side of the table and out of their collected money bought an adventure ball pit and some balls.

Tuesday 14 June 2016

Tap dance

Annu and Theresu is learning tap dance with Claire tanner school and it was a day for parents to come and watch their lesson.

Sacred Heart Feast day

June is the month of Sacred heart devotion and at home we made a cake to cut on the feast day.

Ultm8 Warrior 2016

Munnu got a chance to take part in Ultm8 warrior 2016 (Manchester) in which technological wiz kids  are inspired to come outdoors and involve in various physical activities. Ultm8 warrior obstacles require children to climb, crawl, balance and chance to get muddy and finish the race to get the medal. Munnu was really wet and muddy after his hard work. This is the first time he is doing such a challenge and seems to be enjoyed and received a medal for the participation.

Saturday 4 June 2016

Woolsthorpe- Birthplace of a Genius- Sir Issac Newton

The first place to discover on our journey back home through Cambridge was Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire since we took membership of national trust. This is the birthplace of genius of 17th Century mathematician and physcican, Sir Issac Newton.

As we enter into the manor house is the science discovery centre with lots of hands on activities, you can play with colours and how primary colours are mixed and the colours split, how the gravity works for different things,calculus. Upstairs with lots of prisms, glasses which children are able to do and see how prisms cause Diffraction and Refraction of light . Light was projected in a straight line where the prisms was placed to see how the direction of  wave got shifted when moved from one transparent medium to other  and called refraction.

Children used glasses to see how bending of light happens and like Newton they used feathers to see through the light and could see split colours. Diffraction is the bending of light waves around obstacles or a slit.Got a chance to revise all the physics again.

           Mixing of primary colours

Most exciting bit  was inside the house as you go in you will see  lounge, kitchen and upstairs in his chamber where Issac Newton did many of his experiments in the 18 months, when it was the time of plaque and civil war broke. He has to come back from Cambridge University to Woolsthorpe . He made a hole in the chamber and made it dark and let light pass through , used prisms to split light into many colours of the visible spectrum , As you peep out through the window, you could see the apple tree preserved which made him think '' Why do apples always fall down straight to the ground?'' not sideways or upwards, So there must be a power which draws them. Then he called it as gravity. So wonderful to see these amazing historical place and the way they kept it alive.

The story of Sir Issac Newton sounds so interesting as he was born prematurely and his dad died after three months. His mother remarried and had enmity towards his mum, and she wanted him to look after the farm when she was widowed for the second time, she wanted him to look after the Manor house however Newton was always carried away with his childhood fantasies of various experiments and inventions of colour theory, reflecting telescope, windmill etc...

We enjoyed that day and in the end visited the orchard with apple tree and took some snaps. In fact the tree was blown by the storm in 19th century and the branches were broken.The tree was remain rooted and regrew strongly from the base and it  is pruned regularly to keep it healthy and photography at the apple tree is one of the essential part of the journey.

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Conference and Pilgrimage

It was a great experience to be part of NACF( National Conference Of Catholic Families) conference that happened in Walsingham for the last week end. Our first experience to be part of this NACF pilgrimage, see how people manage in tents though we were not sure how you can fit in with a little child. There were different talks for different categories of children. We were wondered how each and everyone supported in erecting marquee, sharing the jobs. Cardinal Burke was welcomed on the first day of conference after the inagural ceremony by lining up on both sides towards the conference venue. Next day was the Eucharistic procession and Thesu got opportunity to scatter flower petals during procession along with other little ones. We met many of our friends and great to see camping, marquees and most exciting time for the children was to play football and cricket in the camping site, wandering with their friends.