Curriculum plans

Bible History

Tuesday 24 May 2016

May...Month of flowers and Mary

Since it is the month of May and Mary,a lot of search was going on vigorously about flowers. It has been found that a great month to  to honour Our Lady and see various blooms.

It  was on my search of flowers that ended up with ideas of creating Mary garden this month as this is a month with lot of blooming flowers, beautiful scents, hovering flies. Many flowers like bluebells, daisies, pansies, petunias, tulips, blossoms are seen this time of spring

Did you know that many flowers have Marian names? Marigolds, Rose of Sharon, Rosemary, Lavendar etc.. That has amazed me with so many flowers and plants you know has Marian names.       You can even create Mary's garden in your own outdoor garden or indoor within a pot. Plants and trees with Marian names can be planted along with a Mary statue reminder of  great love of Our Lord and Lady and God's creation.

People saw reminders of Mary in their daily lives and found something special in many of these herbs and flowers, Book of Mary's flowers mention  as ancient legend says  fragnant flowers and herbs reflected Mary's spiritual sweetness and soothing .Mary's garden were very common in medieval times and the ideas has been originated in 5th Century. Lots of information are found in here starry mantle, fish eaters, pinterest, mommy erin, catholic icing and lookat him.

This has inspired me to grow a Mary Garden which just initiated, started planting some flowers and herbs in our front garden with marigold, petunia, fuchsia, thyme etc...

Some of the Marian names of the common flowers and herbs.
Marigold; Mary's gold
Petunia; Mary's praises
English Daisy; MaryLoves
Calendula; Mary's bud
Lavender; Flight  to Egypt
Daffodil; Mary's Star
Tulip; Mary's prayer
Rosemary; Dewdrops of Mary/ nosegay
Rose; Mary's rose
Thyme; The virgin's humility (Mary's Flowers...)

Yesterday we went to Fletcher park and Parsonage garden  in Didsbury started in 19th century, which was so beautiful with wide array of beautiful sweet scented flowers with various hovering bees sucking the nectar. Felt like a day in Garden of Eden and children just took some guides to learn the names of some flowers. Enjoyed the beautiful sunshine too.



Ge in the games club and is going to be one soon

Another beautiful thing of May is Crowning , which was done last week as a gesture to honour Mary. Children beaded crown and each of them got the chance to crown three of our statues.

Ad Jesum Per Mary

Wednesday 18 May 2016

March 4 life 2016 & Feast of Pentecost

 It was a great experience for us family to be part of  March 4 life, saw thousands of pro-lifers walking in Birmingham streets to raise awareness of the hurt and damage due to abortion and protecting the life of unborn babies. Amazing experience to see people marching by singing and cheering their way passing the shoppers.

Kids enjoyed the day with face painting, carrying play card  'Life from Conception, No exception'.

On the next day was the Feast of Pentecost and Recomittment day for JY's. Children(Thomas family n Mundackal ) already baked some cupcakes and decorated with flames of Pentecost for fundraising

Saturday 7 May 2016

Bluebells..Ascension....Our trip

On Thursday we were reminded of Ascension of our Lord. However many diocese celebrates on Sunday. Spring is springing and leaves are unfolding and we could see bluebells  making a spectacular display in many woodlands. Bluebells transform the woodlands and garden with blue haze and the sweet scent. A few weeks before when you walk, there were only leaf less trees, now trees full of flowers and leaves. Jesus' ascension reminds us His greater plan and much hope in the coming of Pentecost.

On Ascension, we commemorate His return to the Father in heaven and every time we repeat Creed together '' He ascended into heaven''...Our Lord is waiting for us.The three days before the Feast of Ascension is called Rogation days as these days in Europe, people gang together and bless each fields they pass by and bless gardens too. Why don't you fancy going up to a hilltop and have a picnic with your family reminding Ascension. ?(A book of feast and Seasons).

We were in Southampton and Portsmouth last week. Bluebells in Southampton and Portsmouth.

May is the month of Mary 
when buttercups are golden
And daisies bright and gay
There comes a feast of Jesus
We call it Ascension Day.

Cruise in Southampton port.

Ascension cake
Waffles with some Sacred heart strawberries with some heavenly looking clouds of yum, reminds the Ascension of Jesus.