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Saturday 29 November 2014

Month of November in our family

I have not been able to blog for long time since I came to know the arrival of the new member into our family. We had All Saints Party with other homeschoolers in St Joseph .Everyone had a good time and Mundackal family was coordinating the program. There was  a guessing up time, bringing Saints Timeline, Scavenger hunt and finding the saints symbol ended up with snacks.It was a great time.

Since it was the month of Holy Souls, Candy box ideas  with some prayers were said many days over the month for the Holy Souls in purgatory, ideas were borrowed from Jessica's blog. The word Purgatory came from Latin word purgare which means 'to ceanse ' or 'to purify'. “It is, properly speaking, the condition of souls which, at the moment of death, are in the state of grace, but which have not completely expiated their faults, nor attained the degree of purity necessary to enjoy the Vision of God.” The idea of candy box was to say the prayer of 'St Gertrude' which Lord promised her in a vision, to release 1000 souls from purgatory every time you say the prayer with real heart. Once you said the prayer children can have a candy from the box or they can give up the candy. It was a hard time for many of our JY familes with the death of our good friend Brion.

Another very important thing in our family was Jobychayan's birthday on 27th November.Since I was in bed whole day feeling lazy,Annu and Munnu  made their own chocolate cake themselves for their dad.