Curriculum plans

Bible History

Sunday 28 September 2014

On the feast of St Vincent De Paul & Fundraising

It was  a great feast day of St Vincent De Paul on September 27, patron saint of charities. Fundraising was planned for 'Aid to the church in need' to support the needs of church in Syria and Iraq . Children were very excited to do some baking for fundraising. They helped me in making flapjacks, chocolate cake and cupcakes. It was a great experience. Many of our JY friends from Manchester supported  by bringing some homemade cakes, cupcakes and supported generously.

Wednesday 24 September 2014


Munnu could do his first altar serving on last Sunday alone with Fr Early. I think Lord has given him lot of confidence. Annu did hers a month before in St John church, Chorlton.

Yesterday was a great day for children, Munnu started his football training, had canoeing in our water park, annu was so confident and she didnt want to come out from water. and thereafter we went to see how children doing accordion,tin whistle etc.

Thursday 18 September 2014

Sunflower study

Children were learning about Sunflower,plucked a sunflower from our garden. Unit study on sunflower was done, parts of the flower, where  was it originated and kidoos wrote an acrostic poem on Sunflower. Munnu, Annu and Theresu drew sunflower and used magnifying glass to observe the parts. We got some interesting unit study on sunflower from curriclick

Saturday 13 September 2014

Nature Study 2

Charlotte Mason says that Nature Study done with children in the early years will be a “balm and a blessing” when they are grown.  They will have quiet places of repose in their soul to go to when life is busy or challenging as adults. It is also the best way to prepare your children for the study of science. 

It was my birthday yesterday , So went to Tatton park in Knutsford. Nature walk was amazing, we looked at the nature trail and passed near mansion, reached near stag and sheep which is an open stretch of grassland. Tatton park is famous for deer, often gather here in large numbers to graze, comprising red and fallow deer and this was the interesting thing to watch. Each spring antlers shed and new grow immediately. Munnu along with my hubby climbed some chopped branches, played football some time, had lunch. Numerous fir cones and various leaves were collected by children to study.

The day before yesterday was fabulous , as a family we went for cycling all the way from our waterpark close to sale waterpark. Aexandra and children joined with us, children and me gathered many leaves pines, maple leaves, beech, lime, oak leaves, hazel chestnut, cones and chestnut .

At home we were learning about various leaves, so pea leaves and many other leaves were observed, learned various things about evergreen leaves and deciduous leaves.

Various conkers, cones and leaves collected and the nature journal in the process.

Monday 8 September 2014

Back to school 2014-2015

 This summer flew so fast. We started our school on 5th Sept.We are off to a great start after all planning. Thank Lord.This time, kids were welcomed with some back to school banner . We went for H. Mass for a best start and following coming home, they were all welcomed to see the back to school treats.Children said a prayer with my husband. Annu is going to year 5, Munnu in year 4 and Theresu in preschool.
Kids were very excited to see all the school goodies and sweeties; like starburst, tic-tac, donuts,smarties and crisps. They were all given a patron saint of students to remember throughout the year

Theresu was so happy to see her school pencils, eraser and her new book, hopefully the excitement won't wear off soon.. She also so keen to learn .

Prayer for Homeschoolers

Dear Lord thank you for our Homeschooling. Bless us Lord in this awesome endeavor, to continue with peace and determination. Help me to identify their talents and skills, nurture into the fullness of their abilities.Give me the strength to persevere as a teacher, mother, wife and housekeeper, which itself is a big responsibility  to bear. Allow me the contentment of heart and knowledge that the proper formation of my children's minds holds importance far above many of the callings of this world.Keeping ever mindful that the growing of my children in knowledge and grace will be for your glory, and the trials I must endure are for my personal sanctification, but confident that you will constantly assist me. Blessed mother as you so humbly and graciously accepted God's will to bear and raise His only son, to guide Him in wisdom and virtue, help me in the education and instruction of my children.Amen. K