Curriculum plans

Bible History


There are various ways people choose homeschooling curriculum. There are various catholic curriculums available which you can buy and use like ;  thomas aquinas, seton homeschooling, mother of divine grace, catholic heritage curriculum, Classic curriculm designing etc which I found to be really nice.

You can choose books from the publishers where you can avoid or swap certain subjects.We are following an Ecletic method or relaxed  form of homeschooling , where we focus mostly on National Curriculum and we cover other topics out of the box where we come across.The merit is that parents feel that the important subjects are covered too. We also have a homeschooling schedule  for everyday of the week  and what all subjects to be covered, which we are using from 2011. I swap subjects according to the age and their grades every academic year.The different ways of homeschooling is here

Subjects we cover are Maths, (Language arts) English- vocabulary, spellings by dictation, grammar, writings, poetry, reading daily .Children have a vocabulary notebook (write every new word with their meaning), poetry note (all the poems learned is writing in this book for future reference).The other subjects are science, humanities (history & geography), creative arts, learning languages, faith study,P.E., Music appreciation and Nature study. We have decided that we will learn about a country from a continent every two months. This year we are learning about Europe; so far we learned about France, UK. every month we will be learning about various artists; like painters, composers etc. Mornings we mostly used for proper formal study and afternoons are used for hobbies, doing projects, field trips, visiting museums, library etc. There are no exact time set up for every subjects , but they have to meet the educational goals which were expected by them. Basically we use little of that and little of this. We sometime use standardized tests to measure the child's progress too. Some of the examples of other catholic homeschooler's curriculum is here .







Geography & History








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